Thursday, April 28, 2005



Sorry about the lack of posts. Nothing funny or interesting has happened to me. I just wanted to post this to let you know that...

Iiii-eeee-iii, ooooohhhhhh-ohhhhhh, I'm still alive.

Ahh, sweet early 90's.

Ahhhhh, that picture brings back good memories!!
Jon, just so you know, Anna asked to listen to Johnny Cash tonight so seeing you must have rekindled her interest in him....
"Look Ma', I'm Eddie Cheddar!"
That boy ain't right.
10 input "Are you still alive" $A
20 print "$A"."????"
30 print "That is what I thought. I am a computer."
Ha ha ha, you wrote that joke in BASIC. I am so going to save that on my datassette. If there's a bad BASIC joke, I haven't heard it.
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