Monday, February 14, 2005


I choo choo choose you!

Ahh, the memories come flowing back, like a stopped up drain, of foil-covered Valentine's Day boxes, kids running around the classroom, giggling while putting Valentines in everyone else's decorated box. And it was so wonderful to know that nearly every girl in my class, from nearly every year of elementary school, does indeed like me as a friend. Girls that had no reason to believe that I had a crush on them or anything, still wanting to be certain that I knew I didn't have a chance. Pre-emptive rejection, that's real nice. I guess that's what I get, though, for thinking it would be cool to make my box look like a computer.

Well, for the record, when I put that Superman Valentine's Day card into your box, I didn't actually think you were super, I was just being polite. I didn't really even want to go steady with you. I do now, though, so please email me.

"You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half."

I bent my wookie.
Speaking of wookie... Why is Superman's crotch gleaming so?
That is super disturbing now that you mention it.
I remeber always wanting to make sure everyone got a nice valentine.....
I came here to say that the illustration of Superman with the little girl was slightly disturbing. I see it has been mentioned. My work here is done. (RGB)
What happened to the picture of Superman? Did you wuss out?
Working fine for me... I'm hot-linking to another site for that pic, so I'm at their mercy if they decide to take it down. That's because I'm a taker.
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