Monday, September 27, 2004


Other online alumni profile

I almost forgot about my alumni update profile thing for where I went to college. The reason I just remembered it is that I got an anonymous message emailed to me because of it.

The message was, "Can't believe how snobbish your info is. You suck!"

The profile this person was responding to is as follows:
"I do some important and impressive stuff at Ryan Engineering here in Siloam Springs. I`m single and desperate, so if you know any nice young ladies you`d like to set me up with, please let me know. I`ll take pretty much anybody at this point."

I guess I need to update it, since I got laid off from my job months ago.

That's true; whenever I hear someone talking about being hard up for female attention, I always think "what a snob."
You do suck, I say bravely from behind my anonymity.
I do suck, but not because of that profile.
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