Monday, August 09, 2004


Clueless Boldness

So there I was sitting on the steps of the engineering building at the small private college where I attended in the mid-90's. My friends and I often sat on these steps between classes, people watching. It proved to a great spot for people watching, as it was kind of a main thoroughfare through the central part of campus, so there was a lot of traffic between classes.

That day I saw what was probably the most inspiring thing I've ever seen. There was this guy who was a classic nerd. If there would have been tape on his glasses, you'd think it was some kind of joke. He was walking alongside this pretty girl with long blonde hair, talking very excitedly about something... Or at least it was obvious he was excited he was talking to her. We noticed that her pace was quickening, and she was looking straight ahead, never making eye contact. Of course, he quickened his pace to keep up with her. As they were passing in front of us, he made his big move... He reached out and put his arm around her. As soon as his hand touched her shoulder, she bolted. She ran straight for about thirty feet over to two of her friends and started shaking uncontrollably as they consoled her. The would-be suitor never broke the smile on his face. He raised his hand goodbye and yelled "Welp... See ya later!" and did a 180 and walked off in the opposite direction.

So what's the lesson in all of this?

Hmmm... Is this a choose-your-own-adventure, or a series? I'm guessing series since there were no options for me to click. I'll be anxiously awaiting the next volume. (RGB)
Ropes, chains, and duct tape would have got him where he was trying to go without all the public embarrassment. Better luck next time buddy...
Actuually being adopted... it shows I have a very good chance of having a brother that goes to school where you did.

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